To do this you need Ubuntu 7.04 or Ubuntu 8.04.
Links to do this:
Use the Mac4Lin_Documentation_2.pdf, this will tell you how to do this.
install with one line of code: (enter it in terminal)
sudo apt-get install simdockOR
(alt)(f2) then enter sudo apt-get install simdock in textbox, then check run in terminal, then run.
or .deb
(this is for .deb file)
Use the termanal and make sure you have the wxWidgets installed through the following:
sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev
sudo dpkg -i simdock_1.2-1~getdeb1_i386.deb
(or download wxWidgets_2.8.5.deb)
(and thed download simdock-1.2-beta_1-2_all.deb)
First you most install wxwidgets_2.8.5.deb
If you have any problem with background (sometimes appears a message at start session) you most do 2 things:
1. Scale the wallpaper image to your screen resolution. For example, if your screen resolution in 1024x768 your wallpaper image most have the same resolution.
2. To start simdock you most indicate where is your wallpaper image like this:
simdock /here/is/my/wallpaper/thisis.jpg
(and thed download simdock-1.2-beta_1-2_all.deb)
First you most install wxwidgets_2.8.5.deb
If you have any problem with background (sometimes appears a message at start session) you most do 2 things:
1. Scale the wallpaper image to your screen resolution. For example, if your screen resolution in 1024x768 your wallpaper image most have the same resolution.
2. To start simdock you most indicate where is your wallpaper image like this:
simdock /here/is/my/wallpaper/thisis.jpg